Before using our website, Casino Safe (referred to as "the Website"), please carefully read these terms and conditions. You accept to comply by these terms and conditions by accessing and using the Website. Users should not access or use the Website if they disagree with any aspect of these terms.

Content Accuracy

Informational Purpose: The material on the Casino Safe website is just offered for your general education. This covers a broad spectrum of data on online casinos, gambling, bonuses, and related subjects.

Best attempt: While we make every attempt to make sure the material on the Website is correct and current, we are unable to guarantee the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of all the information.

Subject to Change: Due to the nature of the online casino industry and the deals, promotions, and rules that go along with it, information is subject to quick change. Users should be aware that over time, information on the Website may become stale or erroneous.

Independent Verification: Before making any choices or taking any actions based on the content of the Website, users are strongly advised to independently check any important information. Verifying bonus offers, terms and conditions, wagering requirements, and other pertinent information directly with the appropriate online casinos is part of this process.

Users are responsible for rigorously evaluating and verifying the information they discover on the website. Casino Safe disclaims all responsibility for any decisions, actions, or outcomes brought on by reliance on incorrect or out-of-date information.

Intellectual Property

Ownership: All information and materials contained on the Casino Safe website are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright and trademark laws, including text, graphics, logos, pictures, videos, and software. Casino Safe or, where appropriate, its content suppliers are the rightful owners of these items.

Restrictions: Without the prior written consent of Casino Safe or the appropriate rights holder, users are not permitted to copy, distribute, alter, create derivative works of, display, or perform any of the content or materials on the Website.

Non-Commercial utilise: Users may only access, read, and utilise the Website's content and resources for their own, non-profit needs. This implies that material may be utilised without a commercial goal for informative reasons such as reading articles or learning about casino-related topics.

No Reverse Engineering: Any software or code connected to the Casino Safe website may not be reverse engineered, decompiled, or otherwise broken down by users.

User-Generated Content: Users are not permitted to post or contribute any content to the Website that violates the rights of others to their intellectual property. Users should make sure that any content they share is either original or that the required permissions have been granted by the owners of the relevant rights.

Users are prohibited from deleting, changing, or hiding any copyright, trademark, or other property notices that are displayed on the website or within the material.

Fair Use: According to copyright law, using the work for criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research may qualify as fair use. However, users must make sure that their use of the content complies with fair use requirements.

Enforcement: Should anybody or anything be found to be violating Casino Safe's intellectual property rights, the company maintains the right to take necessary legal action.

Limitation of liability

Users understand and accept that they use the Casino Safe website at their own risk when using it. The Website is offered "as-is" and "as-available" without any explicit or implied guarantees.

No Accuracy Promise: Casino Safe makes no promises as to the correctness, thoroughness, dependability, or timeliness of the data and content provided on the website. Before making any judgements, users should independently check any important information.

No Legal or Financial Advice: The Website's material isn't meant to offer legal, financial, or other expert advice. Financial or gambling-related material should never be taken as professional advice.

The truth, legality, or safety of any third-party information or materials linked to or mentioned on the Website are not guaranteed by Casino Safe. Users choose whether to access such stuff.

No Endorsement: Casino Safe makes no claims to affiliation with any of the websites, goods, or services to which links are provided. Before using any third-party products, users should undertake their own investigation.

No Availability Guarantee: Casino Safe does not promise that the Website will always be accessible, operate without interruption, or function without errors. The Website may not be accessible due to maintenance, technical problems, or other difficulties.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Casino Safe and its affiliates will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from or connected with the use of the website, including but not limited to lost revenues, business opportunities, data, or profits.

Limitation of Liability: In no instance will Casino Safe's total liability to any user exceed any fees the user may have paid, if any, to access or use the Website.

restrictions by Jurisdiction: The restrictions set out in these conditions may not be applicable to all users because certain countries do not authorise certain limitations of responsibility. Casino Safe's responsibility is still restricted to the fullest degree authorised by relevant law.

Users acknowledge and accept the risks involved with using the website. Assumption of Risk. They understand that engaging in online gambling involves financial risk and that Casino Safe is not responsible for any losses experienced as a result of such actions.

No Guarantee of Results: Casino Safe does not promise that using the advice or recommendations on the website will result in success, profitability, or other positive consequences.

Prohibited Use

Use of the Casino Safe Website for any illegal, unlawful, or in violation of any relevant laws, rules, or ordinances is strictly forbidden.

Information Misuse: Users are prohibited from using the information on the website for any illegal, dishonest, or damaging activities. This covers misrepresenting bonus offers, falsifying data, and taking part in actions that hurt or abuse other people.

Unauthorised Access: Users are not allowed to try to access any area of the Website, its servers, databases, or systems in any way.

Users are not allowed to introduce viruses, malware, or any other harmful programming into the Website, which includes interfering with its normal operation.

Data Harvesting: Without express permission, it is completely forbidden to automatically gather or harvest data from the Website, including email addresses, user profiles, or content.

Impersonation: Users are not allowed to pose as another person, company, or organisation or to fraudulently claim support for any organisation.

Unsolicited Communications: It is against the law for users to transmit spam, advertisements, or other unsolicited messages over the Website.

Denial of Service: Users are prohibited from taking any actions that would overwhelm or interfere with the Website's infrastructure, including launching distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

Hacking and Tampering: It is against the law for users to attempt to access, modify, reverse engineer, or otherwise tamper with any portion of the Website, its code, or its contents.

Violations of Copyright and Trademarks: Users are prohibited from using the website to violate the intellectual property rights of Casino Safe or any other party.

Malicious activity: It is expressly forbidden to engage in any activity that aim to compromise the integrity, operation, or reputation of the Casino Safe Website, its visitors, or its material.

Violations of Third-Party Rights: Users are not allowed to use the website in a way that infringes on the privacy, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights of others.

The website is only meant to be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. Without previous written approval, any commercial use—including advertising, product promotion, or revenue generation—is banned.

Law Enforcement: Casino Safe maintains the right to report any acts that are deemed unlawful or in violation of relevant laws to law enforcement authorities.

Links to Other Websites

Links to third-party websites, resources, or information may be found on the Casino Safe website. These links are just offered for users' convenience and do not indicate sponsorship, endorsement, or affiliation with Casino Safe.

No Control: Casino Safe has no influence on the information, methods, or principles employed by third-party websites. Users recognise and accept that any third-party content linked to or referenced on the Website is not under Casino Safe's control, and that this includes the truth, legality, and safety of such information.

Independent Evaluation: Users click on external links at their own risk. Users are responsible for individually evaluating the appropriateness, accuracy, and dependability of any material or services made available by such websites.

Terms and Policies: Users should study any terms and policies, privacy policies, and other guidelines that may be present on third-party websites. Users who use third-party websites are subject to their terms and rules.

No Liability: Casino Safe disclaims all responsibility for any harm, misfortune, or disagreements caused by the use or reliance on any third-party websites. Users are aware of and concur that any interactions with websites belonging to third parties are purely between them and those parties.

Risk assessment: When engaging with third-party websites, users should use caution and vigilance, particularly when disclosing personal information, conducting business, or taking part in any activities.

Broken or inactive links: Casino Safe makes no promises on the accessibility or operation of external links. Over time, links might become old, inactive, or broken.

Reporting Issues: Users are urged to contact Casino Safe if they have any problems with any of the external links given on the website. However, fixing problems on websites run by third parties is not Casino Safe's responsibility.

No Responsibility for Content: The presence of links to third-party websites does not imply endorsement, verification, or assurance of the truthfulness or excellence of the information supplied on such websites by Casino Safe.

Websites operated by third parties may at any moment alter their ownership, content, or policies. Such modifications and their effects on users are not the responsibility of Casino Safe.

Information for Learning: The external links given on the Casino Safe website may be used as additional sources or learning aids. Users who evaluate the data from these other sources should use critical judgement.